Backing Full Time New To Industry Finance Brokers

Enjoy a rewarding career as a Mortgage & Finance Broker

A 50% failure rate may sound extreme, but it’s the stark reality of the broking industry. The problem is that many new brokers don’t get the right support and guidance they need to succeed independently – not just to profit from their finance broking career, but to thrive in it. 

And that’s exactly what I’m here to change, but only if you are:

  • Ready to back yourself and put in the required time necessary to learn and grow a business.
  • 100% committed in wanting to succeed.
  • Dedicated to getting out there to promote yourself, your services and build your own business.
  • Understanding that there is lots of work to do and your Mentor won’t do it for you.

Finance Broker Mentor provides support and guidance to new brokers in their own business.

While a career in finance can be very rewarding, the finance broking industry is full of unknowns, complex and changing regulations and often huge demands on those who work in it.  The learning curve is steep, and the actual world of finance is something you really can’t prepare for in a classroom or in an online course.  There is no substitute for experience – experience that can only be gained through the dedicated support and expert guidance of an industry mentor. The Finance Broker Mentor program is designed to launch you into a Mortgage broking career, empowering you with the tips, & tools you need to grow your business – and love your career – for years to come. 

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What's included in the Program...

“I am dedicated to curbing the high failure rate for new brokers and empowering them to enjoy the career success and satisfaction that I have had as a broker for over 17 years. That’s why the Finance Broker Mentor program is packed with benefits to prepare you for success”.

  • One on one partnership Zoom session/calls every six weeks to check in on:

  • Scenarios you have had come across your desk

  • Deals in your pipeline

  • Lending & Business module discussions

  • Business Growth strategies


  • Contact in between partnership calls for scenarios & advice. Book a time in our Google app & let’s learn!

  • Submit your deals with confidence using our before submission loan review service*

  • Access to the Solo Broker Best Practice Portal and Mobile App containing:

  • Credit Triage: Know the key questions to ask prospective clients for better outcomes

  • Structured Scenario Sheets: Learn how to give lender BDM’s the information they need when submitting a scenario

  • Detailed Flowcharts & guides: Complete flowchart and detailed loan steps from first contact to Loan Settlement and beyond. Make the loan application process simple for you and your clients, never missing a client touch point.

  • Loan preparation: Become confident in preparing loan documentation with a comprehensive checklist of questions to ask and factors to consider for scenarios.

  • Loan Application coversheets: Let the Bank Assessor know your client's plans and why they should approve the deal.

  • Document and Compliance Checklists

  • Ask policy questions and submit scenarios

  • Client letter templates

  • Plus, lots more

Program benefits

Finance broker mentor - A man thinking of solution

Work for yourself, not by yourself

  • Understanding: Guidance on the entire loan process, from lead through to post settlement activities.
  • Learn quicker: Hone technical skills for helping clients with easy-to-understand explanations.
  • Money: Manage cashflow by preparing and closing loans faster for quality customer outcomes.
  • Less worries: Understand compliance so it becomes second nature.
  • Supported: Assistance with scenarios.
Finance broker mentor/ become a broker- broker with client

Grow your business faster

  • Sustained growth: Tips for sourcing leads and nurturing clients.
  • Repeat business: Strategies to build a strong loan book of loyal, long-term clients.
  • Save time: Tricky question? Just ask.
  • Speedy responses: No waiting days for return calls or email replies.
  • Save money: Flat fee mentoring. No commission sharing here.

Start a successful broking career on the right track

About Peter Ellis, your Finance Broker Mentor

Stability during constant change

I’ve been a Finance Broker for over 17 years. I have personally experienced the highs and lows that came with carving out my own path.  I’ve seen the pitfalls of inadequate Mentoring, and know how working too much for too little damages our mental health.

In a Finance Broking career while there is no easy path, LOTS of work to do and much to learn, there are a lot of unknowns that Brokers are forced to find out by themselves through years of trial and error.

I had worked the massive hours preparing deals and placing scenarios, wasted hard-earned money and valuable time on numerous marketing campaigns and courses…until one day, I finally realised that if I wanted to get anywhere, I needed to reach out and learn directly from those who were already where I wanted to be.  This, I discovered, was a crucial yet so often overlooked step in building a successful broking career.  I invested in myself.

So, after over a decade of writing loans myself, I became a full-time Mentor helping new Brokers learn about the industry and build a business.

Finance Broker Mentor - peter ellis

Peter Ellis

Founder of

"A Mentor is there to be the GPS for you. You do the driving, but they provide the guiding light"

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Peter Ellis

Endorsed Mentor & Full Member of:

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